Template workflows

The following workflows are available to all platform users. Public workflows are under the moises namespace.
New template workflows will be added regularly but you can also create your own workflow using our dashboard.
Workflow IDDescription
moises/stems-vocals-accompanimentStems separation for vocals and accompaniment
moises/stems-vocals-drums-bass-guitar-otherStems separation for vocals, drums, bass, guitars and other
moises/stems-vocals-drums-bass-otherStems separation for vocals, drums, bass and other
moises/stems-vocals-drums-bass-piano-otherStems separation for vocals, drums, bass, piano and other
moises/stems-vocals-drums-bass-strings-otherStems separation for vocals, drums, bass, strings and other
moises/transcription-beat-chordsDetect beats and chords for a song
moises/transcription-beatsDetect beats for a song
moises/transcription-chordsDetect chords for a song
moises/transcription-speech-singingTranscribe Speech or Lyrics
To process a workflow, you can submit a job with its ID as examplified below: