Quick start

Let's get started! This guide will walk you through the basic steps needed to process files in the Moises platform. In this example, we will be using our stem isolation model to isolate the vocals and accompaniment elements from a mixture. Workflows under the moises namespace are available to all users. You can find the list of all template workflows here.
Creating a new job
Let's submit a job using our media file hosted at https://your-server.com/audio.m4a. This URL must be publicly available. If you don't have a storage server, you can use our file upload service to upload a file and generate a temporary public URL.
In this example, We will be using the moises/stems-vocals-accompaniment template workflow:
Notice that the server response contains the job id. This is the unique identifier for the job you just created!
Get existing job

Since we now have a job id, we can check its the results:

You should notice the server response is telling us that our job has started, but not completed. Lets wait 10 seconds and then check the status again:

This time the job has completed, and we can access our results!